Monday, October 25, 2010

More Fall Fun...

We decided to try our hand at some Fall Tie-Dye shirts. I think we will try this project again in the summer so we can work outside! They turned out pretty cute.

Rider's Shirt

Noah's Shirt

Micah's Shirt

I found some cute games and craft projects over at The Ramblings of a Crazy Woman. She has lots of great ideas over there! If you havent visited her blog, you should definitely check it out.

This is a game that all the kids enjoyed. It was quick and easy to make and inexpensive too, which is always a plus!

All you need are some ping pong balls and colored markers. The object of the game is to bounce the "eyeballs" into the pumpkin or in Rider's case- to throw them all over the house! Its harder than you might think...unless you play Rider's version. Ha!

The boys have laughed and laughed about this one. It was another idea from Jenn's blog.

Josh's turned out perfect --right down to his purple pants!

We also made these pumpkin and ghost decorations for the front yard. They were so easy and turned out sooo cute.

These are a few of the fun fall things we have done so far. This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the colors, smells, and temperature of fall! I have a few more ideas for this last week of October and then....on to Thanksgiving!

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